Symptoms are really a gift because they bring to your awareness a problem or issue within your body that was previously unknown to you. Symptoms are meant to get your attention. They are a very sophisticated form of communication from the intelligence deep within your body. Our natural impulse is to find a way to suppress or eliminate them without really understanding the root cause. If you suppress your symptoms, it is like putting your body on mute. As a result, you will disconnect yourself from your body’s inner wisdom and miss the opportunity for the deeper healing your body is requesting.
The next time you are experiencing a physical symptom, before you reach for the drug to numb the sensation, take some time to really sit with the sensation. Is it a new symptom or chronic one? Is it compromising you in some manner or just an annoyance?
The first step is to get really clear on what you are noticing in the body. Bring your focus into your physical body. Ask yourself the following questions:
• What physical symptoms do you notice?
• What part of the body is being affected?
• What makes the symptom worse?
• Do you feel it all the time or only at a certain time of the day or night?
• Do you feel better when you eat or when you don’t eat?
• If your symptoms could talk, what would they say?
• How are the symptoms impacting your daily life?
You want to spend time noticing what you notice. Take the time to quiet down your mind and sit with yourself. Without judgment, write down everything you feel, no matter how insignificant you may think it is. Also write down what parts of your body are involved.
After you have identified all the physical symptoms, you want to notice how you are feeling emotionally.
Take an honest inventory of yourself:
Have you been feeling tense or anxious?
Are you sad or depressed?
How high is your stress level?
Who or what are you most reactive to?
Do you find yourself getting emotionally caught up in the drama on the news?
When did you first start noticing the symptoms?
What was going on in your life at that time?
In addition to your emotions it is equally important to become aware of any limiting self-talk you have going on in your mind, or negative thinking in general. Since our mind exists within our bodies, the thoughts held in the mind are going to have a direct impact on the health of the body. Every cell in our body is enveloped with thought. Those thoughts have the power to heal or destroy. Are you thinking thoughts that build you up, make you feel strong, fill your heart with compassion and joy, or are you thinking thoughts that tell yourself you are limited in some way or a victim of circumstance? Do you strive to be positive and optimistic or are you more doom and gloom?
It has been proven that you can literally transform and rebuild the cells in your body by the power of your mind. So, it is important to know what you are thinking when you are experiencing symptoms. As you become aware of limiting thought patterns, you can replace them with more expanded thoughts that align with the truth of who you really are. Your mind can become your greatest ally in your healing process.
Symptoms are the universal language of our body and soul, presenting us with information to which we may have been previously unconscious of. By the time we have manifested a symptom, some form of stress has already had an impact on our ability to maintain balance and alignment between the body, mind, and spirit. If you just attend to the physical aspect, you may change the presentation of the original symptom, but you will not have lasting healing.
Due to the multi-dimensionality of our being, our physical body reflects what is going on within other levels of our consciousness. To heal the physical body, one must also heal the mind and emotions. If you desire a deeper experience of healing for yourself, please reach out to me. I would be happy to support you on your healing journey to greater health and well-being.