Autumn is a time of transition where aged leaves turn colors and drop off the branches. It is a time of harvesting nature’s bounty before winter sets in. Autumn also marks the cycle of self-reflection, of turning within and releasing what no longer serves you.
The large intestine’s major function is the: absorption of water and nutrients, housing of beneficial bacteria for the gut, and formation and elimination of waste matter.
Autumn is a perfect time for cleansing the body and lightening your load. In Chinese Five Element Theory, metal is the element associated with autumn AND with the lungs and large intestine. During this season, it is important to keep these organs clean and in balance. When out of balance due to toxins, poor eating habits, and negative thinking, the body becomes fertile ground for colds, infections, lung problems, bowel issues, influenza, and cloudy thinking. If your ability to handle and eliminate waste is weak such as in constipation, toxins can build up in the large intestine. As a result, other parts of the body try to deal with the accumulated garbage. The common cold, for example, while expressed from the sinuses and lungs, is related to the poor elimination of waste products from the large intestines.
Unexpressed feelings, repressed emotions, and blocked creative energies also contribute to congestion in the body. It is vital to learn how to relax the mind and express emotions effectively to keep your energy flowing throughout the body and mind.
“The lower intestines are like the officials who propagate the Right Way of Living and they generate evolution and change.” NEI CHING
Autumn is the perfect time to release bad habits or addictions that no longer serve your health and well-being. It is also a good time to clean up your diet and thought processes as well. Releasing what no longer serves your growth frees up your energy and gives you strength to make healthy changes and begin new patterns.
Some helpful habits to incorporate in the fall are: a colon cleanse or colon hydrotherapy, full body cleanse, and eliminating foods that cause mucous, congestion, and sluggish bowels. Increasing wholesome foods into your diet and taking brisk fall walks out in the fresh air are cleansing and revitalizing. Fall soups made from vegetables and beans are nourishing and warming to the body on cooler days. Also take time to clear your head and weed out unwanted thoughts and negative self-talk. They serve no useful purpose and are another form of toxins.
If you want guidance in making changes to improve your health, cleanse your colon, or detox your body and mind, feel free to reach out to me. I would love to support you on your healing journey to greater health and well-being.