People always ask me what they should eat to feel better and have more energy. Food after all is a nourishing substance taken into the body to sustain and maintain life, provide energy, and promote growth. The food you eat today becomes the substance from which new cells are formed from tomorrow. The cells in your body cannot be any healthier than the food you take in.
The right foods are going to vary from person to person depending on lifestyle, level of activity, state of overall health, and age. There is no magic bullet or one right diet that is going to solve all your issues. Why? Because, while food is important and should be chosen carefully, there is much more at stake for your health and wellbeing than eating the best “diet”.
Whether it is a raw diet, macrobiotics, vegan, grain-free, paleo, plant-based, gluten-free, dairy free, carb free, keto, etc., that is only part of what is needed to truly nourish you from the inside out. Whole foods have an enormous potential to restore health and should not be under-estimated. There is another form of nourishment, however, that goes beyond the physical to nourish and restore wholeness of being. This form of nourishment is called “primary foods”.
Primary foods are the things that make us feel truly alive and want to get out of bed in the morning. They energize us and make us feel grateful for being alive. They nourish us on a soul level. You can have the perfect diet and still feel like you are dragging yourself through our days. However, if you focus and incorporate primary foods into your days, you will feel nourished in a way that food can never give you. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Therefore, our souls need to be fed from the living wellspring of life or our life force slowly drains out of us, leaving us tired and in a weakened, imbalanced state. If we focus on feeding our souls with primary foods, chances are our physical bodies are going to respond favorably with more energy, strength, and vitality. Then, the food we put into our mouth becomes the icing on the cake!
So, what are primary foods? Well, they can be grouped into four main categories: spirituality, career, relationships, and physical activity.
We are spiritual beings seeking to express and experience this physical realm through physical bodies. Too often we can get so caught up in our daily lives that we start to lose our sense of connectedness to the Source of all life. Over time, the more we lose our spiritual connection, the wearier we become from the demands of our everyday physical existence.
Having a steady spiritual practice helps to restore our sense of connectedness to something greater than ourselves. It also gives meaning to our lives. There are many different forms of spiritual practices, from going to a weekly church service to spending quiet time in nature. Some people do yoga and others will meditate. Others create a daily prayer practice and read inspirational material. You will know what is right for you by the way it makes you feel when you engage in it. Does it leave you feeling fulfilled and trusting in the order of the universe? Does it give you a sense of something greater than yourself at work in your life, that is beyond words but you feel deeply connected to? Does it leave you feeling more aware and expanded in consciousness? Does it strengthen your faith?
Having a spiritual practice is necessary for our well-being as it connects us to our essence, our wholeness of being. In that place of connectedness we can access the Source of energy that restores, heals, and revitalizes from within. There is nothing greater or more powerful.
We spend a large portion of our lives working in some manner. For most people, more than half of our waking moments is spent working. Unfortunately, most people go to work for the sole reason of earning money. They believe that is the purpose of getting up and going to work every day. While earning money is part of working, it is not meant to be the primary purpose for working. We should be working for self-satisfaction, for enrichment, and for contributing to the world. Since you spend so much of your life in some type of work, wouldn’t it make sense to invest your time and energy doing something you love to do? If you are not in your ideal work situation right now, then how can you find fulfillment in what you are presently doing?
The answer is found in your state of being. Your state of being is just as important as the type of work you are engaged in. Strive to be an expression of your essence which is love and joy, regardless of the task at hand. The energy you exude from your presence contributes not only to your own health but also to those around you. Ultimately, your work should give you a sense of fulfillment and enrich your daily life. When we feel passionate about what we are doing, we are nourishing ourselves on a soul level. As we become soulfully nourished, we in turn bless the world around us with the love and joy we are radiating from our own essence.
We are, by nature, social creatures who thrive on connection with other people and being part of a larger community. However, with the infiltration of various forms of media, we are becoming very isolated. Is it any wonder obesity is affecting a large portion of the population and is now considered a disease? Relationships can take on many different forms. The form is not what is most important. The sharing between people, the give and take of love and joy is what is most important, because that is what feeds our heart and soul. Studies are proving that having an active social life is a major contributor to health and longevity.
Physical Activity
Physical activity is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves to strengthen our muscles, build endurance, and maintain our health. Yet, it seems to be the one thing many people resist the most. Now more than ever, with obesity and diabetes increasing at an alarming rate in the young and old alike, we need to get more movement into our daily lives. We have become a very sedentary society with the age of technology.
Physical activity can encompass so much more than going to a gym. There are many activities you can engage in for pleasure that will increase the level of physical activity in your daily life. For some people that may be gardening. For others, it might be walking or swimming. Still other people will find pleasure in more rugged activities like rowing or rock climbing. Some people prefer taking up yoga or tai chi while others become marathon runners. You do not have to do the same activity over and over either. Variety is the spice of life. Alternate the forms of activity you engage in. When you are stressed you may need a softer activity to calm your nervous system down. If you have a very sedentary desk job, you might need to participate in a more rigorous form of exercise to get your heart pumping and increase your circulation and oxygen intake.
Spend some time reflecting on the different primary foods and evaluate if you need to make changes in your life to incorporate more of them. The more you engage in, the better you will feel. If you would like a coach to support you and help you navigate the options that would work best for you, please reach out to me. I would be happy to help you create primary foods that will nourish your body, mind, and soul.